Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today we want to the french concert and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much fun and i got every ones name on it!!!!! i think that every one had fun and it is to bad that i wont be here next year so i could go again!
another thing i will really miss is running all gym :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Fights are something that happens to every day people and should stop because when there is a fight you know what happens !!!!!!
If you don't i will tell you - when there is a fight people take sides on who to be friends with because one person tells there side of the story and the other tells there's to there friends!
It all gets pretty confusing and when your sorry and want to be friends again the other person you were fighting with will not want to be friends with you any more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. SO JUST STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!
If want to know more about friend ship go to httpwww.elizabethbarr.blogspot.com

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I'm sorry about moving and all but are house is to small (i know some people are happy to see me leave-Sheldon)and we are going to have to move some time were just leaving now instead of later!
leave me your phone number and of course your name and i will call you and tell you all the details oh ya and tell Mr.Carson to mark my page and i made a mistake that we are moving on the first of June not July!!!!!☻

Thursday, April 23, 2009


i just want to say that we are moving at the end of this month so July first!!!!!
but i still will come to this school on till the end of the year so sorry Aisha or but i am not going until the end of the year so deal with it!!!!
I'm sorry coven or Erica and Becca but its true we are moving and there is nothing you can do about it !!!!!!!!☺☻

leave me some feedback!

tell me what you think of my blog and if i should add any thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Sisters can be the worst type of family because they pick on you and beat you up but that really only happens if you have a big sister . Or you can have a bratty little sister that never leaves you alone and wants to hang with you and your older friends.
But I guess that if you didn't have an older sister like me i wouldn't know how to put my hair up or do my nails or i would but i would be really bad at it so sister can be a bother .
do you have a sister and does she/he bother you or get in the way?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Kyndi is the girl i sit beside in the very front row! She is 11 and is always laughing. Kyndi is
also always ready for anything.She always has an extra pencil or spare paper.
Kyndi has a nice sense of hummer and will laugh at anything.

If Kyndi ever gets mad then she can get over it in a day or so.
Kyndi also loves to run laps and today I think was the first day out of two
months that we had to run laps!
Today when i got up i noticed that all the power was out and so that's why we ran laps .
All the power was out and so the gym was so dark.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Today is the 13 of April and i had the best Easter ever.
I went to the Easter egg hunt and went to Toronto!
I saw all my family that live on Toronto and I searched for chocolate after we all ate.
if your Easter was a downer tell my why or if you had a great Easter tell me why!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fat Cats

Today is the 8Th of April and my cat just keeps on getting fatter and fatter!
I think that cats are going to some day get so fat that he will not be able to move!
My friends cat is the most evil cat ever, but just cause hes evil does not mean he is not fat.

When my dad was a kid he had a cat named sasha. The cat was so fat that every day when my dad came home from work the cat would be in the same place that he was in two days ago!
if you have any fat cats or dogs tell me his name and a story.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maddies spot

A month ago me and my family went to Niagara Falls but my oldest sister Kayla was on her cell phone the whole time we were there. Every day people are getting more and more into all of that electrical stuff. Some day you will be sending math test back and fourth and will not have to even go to school.
In conclusion all i am saying is that all of these cool " I Pods, M.P3 Players" are taking your kids away from your family's.
post a comment about what you thing.